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An include directive allows you to include the entire contents of one restructured text file directly into another. This is the easiest way to control content re-use.
When given an absolute path, the directive takes it as relative to the root of the source directory. It is ScyllaDB practice to place global include files in the rst_include directory.
For example, here are some very commonly used include statements:
.. include:: /rst_include/scylla-commands-stop-index.rst
.. include:: /rst_include/scylla-commands-start-index.rst
.. include:: /rst_include/scylla-commands-restart-index.rst
Literal include¶
If the file you want to include is not restructuredText, you can use the Literal Include directive. This adds the page cited as a code-block.
For example:
.. literalinclude:: ../conf.py
:lines: 1-10
Gets the conf.py
file from the parent directory and displays the first 10 lines.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import warnings
from datetime import date
from sphinx_scylladb_theme.utils import multiversion_regex_builder
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(".."))